Georgia Vision Project & Strategic Plan Alignment

Strategic Plan Goals

                   Gilmer County School System

-We believe in an overarching culture of excellence and high expectations.
-We believe that all students can achieve academic growth towards mastery through an academically 
challenging learning environment.
-We believe that each student deserves a learning environment where they are surrounded by a team of 
educators who are committed to building positive relationships.
-We believe that all staff members are accountable for each student’s growth.
-We believe that every Gilmer County Schools employee contributes to the culture of the organization 
and the success of each student.
-We believe that a successful learning community advances mutual respect, integrity, fairness, 
leadership and accountability for all.

GCSS Vision
Our vision is to cultivate lifelong learners who enrich their community by challenging and 
empowering each student to reach their full potential in post-secondary, military or workforce.

GCSS Mission
Our mission is to promote academic excellence and success for ALL.

Strategic Plan
Goal Area 1: Academic Achievement
Objective 1.1: Increase the number of students demonstrating mastery of grade level standards. 

Refine Professional Learning Communities (PLC) to consistently collaborate, implement and evaluate standards-based instruction and standards-based common assessments to drive instruction which ensures a guaranteed and viable curriculum.
Georgia Vision Project Goals: 4.1, 4.3, 4.4, 6.4

Develop rigorous, standards-based instruction and assessments that engage, challenge and motivate all students.
Georgia Vision Project Goals: 3.5, 4.3, 4.4, 6.4

Implement horizontal and vertical alignment with a focus on literacy and mathematics for all levels and subgroups (Pre-K – 12)
Georgia Vision Project Goals: 3.5

Consistently implement a system-wide Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) process. (academic, behavior and social needs).
Georgia Vision Project Goals: 4.3

Refine needs-based scheduling in grades K - 12 to address remediation and enrichment needs of students.
Georgia Vision Project Goals: 4.3, 4.4, 6.4

Provide professional learning on engagement, rigor and development of assessments.
Georgia Vision Project Goals: 4.1, 4.3, 4.4

Provide professional learning on the use of instructional technology to engage students in learning and increase student achievement.
Georgia Vision Project Goals: 4.2

Provide talent development activities to strengthen the creativity and critical thinking skills for all students.
Georgia Vision Project Goals: 4.3

Align the district and school goals, utilizing a Balanced Score Card, with the College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI) to demonstrate district, school and student success.
Georgia Vision Project Goals: 7.1

Objective 1.2: Increase K – 12 college and career readiness

Implement a College and Career Academy housed at the Larry Walker Education Center.
Georgia Vision Project Goals: 5.4

Increase opportunities for K-12 students to explore career options.
Georgia Vision Project Goals:5.4

Objective 1.3: Increase Early Learning Opportunities

Strengthen partnership between the Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning programs Pre-K and Head Start to improve student outcomes in Kindergarten – Third Grade.
Georgia Vision Project Goals: 3.1

Objective 1.4: Increase Positive Culture and Climate

Continue to promote positive behavior at all schools and grade levels.
Georgia Vision Project Goals: 8.2

Develop a culture that encourages innovation and creativity to maximize student learning.
Georgia Vision Project Goals: 8.5

Goal Area 2: Family and Community Engagement

Objective 2.1 Increase opportunities for family and community engagement.

Collaborate with a liaison to communicate school specific partnership needs to the business community.
Georgia Vision Project Goals:5.4

The district and schools will communicate student and school successes to families and the community by utilizing social media platforms, websites, texts, and newspaper.
Georgia Vision Project Goals: 2.1

Implement strategies to make schools friendlier and more inviting to parents.
Georgia Vision Project Goals: 8.2

Measure and report parent and community perceptions of school climate and develop school-specific actions to improve parent perceptions of the schools.
Georgia Vision Project Goals: 8.4

Goal Area3: Operational Effectiveness

Objective 3.1: Increase in the recruitment and retention rate of certified and classified employees.

Continue to host a minimum of two job fairs annually with one in the fall and one in the spring and refine the process to increase participation.
Georgia Vision Project Goals: 6.3

Refine the mentoring program and a reward program for mentor teachers, and refine the new teacher induction program.
Georgia Vision Project Goals: 6.3

Implement a complete Human Resources Management program to increase employee retention to include talent, position, compensation, benefits, recognitions, reporting and integration management.
Georgia Vision Project Goals: 6.3

Reduce the number of employee absences to pre-Covid industry average.
Georgia Vision Project Goals: 6.4

Secure our schools and classrooms by ensuring that all interior and exterior doors are functional and remain locked, employee identification and access and increase employee awareness.
Georgia Vision Project Goals: 8.2

Objective 3.4: The Gilmer County School System will employ proven business best practices and procedures at all time to ensure it meets the public's highest standards for financial accountability, integrity and trust.

Provide monthly board reporting for revenue and expenditure tracking. Principals provide quarterly school reporting of activity accounts to BOE.
Georgia Vision Project Goals: 9.2

Continue long range planning and budget development by determining needs for 3-5 years.
Georgia Vision Project Goals: 9.2

Continue to utilize partnerships with RESA, GA DoE and community to share resources and expertise
Georgia Vision Project Goals: 5.4

Implement an ongoing process for systematically evaluating all expenditures to guide the development of budgets which supports strategies to increase student achievement.
Georgia Vision Project Goals: 9.2

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