All parents with students in Grades K-12 should confirm their contact information on the Infinite Campus parent portal, before the start of each school year. This Information includes preferred email addresses and phone numbers.
If you already have a Parent Portal Account, Log In to your Parent Portal to confirm and update your information. If any family or address information is incorrect, click on the Update button, enter the appropriate information and click “Submit Update.” If you do not see an Update button, you are in a student account. You cannot make updates from within a student account. You must be in your parent account. If you are in your parent account, your name will appear in the upper right-hand corner of the page when you click on the person icon.
After submitting your update, you will receive a message in your Infinite Campus inbox after the data has been corrected. Please note that these updates may take several days to verify and approve, so we encourage you to begin this process immediately.
The three primary sections parents should check are “Address Information,” “Family Members” and “Contact Preferences.”
To access Address Information and Family Members, click on the "More" button on the bottom left side of your portal. Here you will see options for Address Information and Family Information. If you request an address change that affects your household's school zone, you will be requested to provide proof of address.
To access Contact Preferences, click on the person icon on the top right corner, then click on Settings. then click "Contact Preferences."
Contact preferences indicate how you want to be contacted (email, cell phone, text) for specific kinds of messages (attendance, emergency messages, general messages.) If you do not want to receive messages on a particular device/email, deselect that device. Note that if certain preferences are not selected, you may not receive messages. If multiple phone numbers and email addresses are selected, you may receive the same message on multiple devices/accounts.
If you have not activated your Infinite Campus account (or have forgotten your password), you must activate one to ensure you receive communication from Gilmer County Schools.
Please follow the directions listed here - To Set Up a New Parent Portal
If you have forgotten your password, Click on the Forgot Password Link at the bottom of the login screen.
Please call 706-276-5000 and ask for Student Information Services if you are still having difficulty accessing your log in.
Student accounts:
Once portal accounts have been created, students will see information pertaining to themselves only. Guardians will see information pertaining to all students for whom they are listed as guardians.
Only guardians can update information.