Student Discipline

The purpose of the schools within the Gilmer County School system is to provide the best learning opportunity possible. Our standards of student behavior during school hours, on school property, and at school related functions are designed to create the expectations that students will behave themselves in such a way as to facilitate a learning environment for themselves and other students. Gilmer Schools participate in positive behavior interventions and supports as a proactive strategy for improving student behavior and decreasing student discipline incidents. Each school has adopted an acronym to outline student expectations. 

We expect students to:

1. Respect each other
2. Respect school district employees
3. Obey student behavior policies adopted by the Board of Education
4. Obey rules established by individual schools

Good order and discipline may be described as the absence of distractions and disturbances, which interfere with the optimum functioning of the student, the classroom, the school, school related functions, and the safe operation of school buses. It is also the presence of a friendly, yet professional, rapport in which students and school personnel work cooperatively toward mutually accepted goals. We ask your cooperation in sharing this responsibility for maintaining a proper learning environment.

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